March 27, 2020

I feel a little defeated today

A couple of responses to the HBR article that I shared in a previous post have rubbed me the wrong way.

My point in sharing the article was that maybe it could help even one person to deal with some small nugget of what is going on in their lives right now, because it helped me.  One response took pity on those of us who are having an emotional reaction.  I realize that everyone deals with stuff like this in their own way, but let's not look down on others for the way they are dealing.  If this isn't affecting you mentally or emotionally, I'm genuinely happy for you.

But pity? I don't need your pity.  I need you to realize that mental health issues are a very real thing and is already a major problem in this country.  Do you think that there won't be a million new mental health issues once we are all released from our home imprisonment?  Do you think that everything will just magically go back to exactly the way things were before all of this?  If so, can I come live in your land of rainbows and magical unicorns?

Please don't downplay the importance of taking care of your mental health.  It's the core of who you are.  You put so much thought into what you feed your body and effort in to exercising to keep your body in shape.  What about your mind?

And please, if you take nothing else away from this post, take this:  Please do not ever make someone feel bad for admitting they have any mental or emotional health issue.  Applaud them, encourage them and offer to assist in finding them the right resources.  NEVER TREAT THEM AS THOUGH THEY ARE BROKEN OR SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH THEM.  We all struggle from time to time and some of us just need a little more help than others to get through it.

Today I am grateful that I was taught early on that mental health is not an off-limits subject.  I'm grateful that I have people to talk to who don't make me feel like something is wrong with me.

Here are a few links if you are interested in learning more about how to cope with the mental and emotional effects of this pandemic:

CDC managing stress and anxiety

National Alliance on Mental Illness

Suicide Prevention Lifeline - Emotional Well being during COVID-19  This one has TONS of resources!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Very well said! Also consider all those who are going to be financially strapped after this is all over! That can cause severe Anxiety and depression! Be kind you never know the other persons troubles.