May 12, 2020

More change

I've been busy over the last couple of weeks!  I finished up a semester of classes, continued to work from home, perfected my face mask sewing and even found time to read a book that has been on my list.

Just when we are getting settled into what we think our lives look like now, we are faced with even more change.  Now it is time to slowly go back out into the world and discover yet another new normal.

I have finally adapted to working from home and find that I like being here.  Before the pandemic even, I was thinking that our world had everything all wrong.  We spend more time with people at work than we do with the people we love the most.  We spend more of our lives trying to earn a living than we do actually doing the things we love and doing work that matters in our communities. I had hoped that this pandemic would create change in that direction.

Don't get me wrong, I completely dislike the social distancing protocols and the fact that I can't go in to work if I need or want to.  But when it comes down to it, I will miss working from home and spending the days with my family as my co-workers.  I will miss not having obligations after work and on weekends because those have become times set aside for family and enjoying life.

I wanted the world to slow down, and it did, but it seems like everyone is ready to pick up right where they left off - right back into the exhausting fast pace that is our society.  We only get one life to live, and I think we should focus more on God and family and what good we can do.  Yes, we have to earn a living but that job shouldn't be the main point of our existence.  Just my opinions, of course.

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